Friday, April 17, 2009

Not A Smoker, Just Disgusted With The Waste Of This Drug War

Marijuana is a folk remedy for many painful diseases, including fibromyalgia Get informed and add your voice to the people (inlcuding myself and my 74-year-old mother who also doesn't smoke) by advocating to get this plant legalized Let our law enforcement go after dangerous criminals and allow those who are in jail just for using pot to go free

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the legalization of Marijuana. In 2000 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a masectomy with an imediate reconstruction. I was stage 3 when diagnosed. I started my chemo and was given zofran for nausea. At the time, the Rx was $26 a Pill! We had to pay out of pocket, then get reimbursed.

    The zofran did not work in the least. So my husband's hockey teammates got together and bought me some high quality Boulder Colorado Weed. Needless to say it worked imediatly. It kept me from being sick, it kept me from scaring my very small children, because Mommy was throwing up.

    Goverment needs to recognize that they can benefit from the legalization of Marijuana. Most of us already know it's a great medication for a wide range of diseases and conditions.
